Infographic: how social are CRM companies truly?

Grasp (previously Casengo) introduces Social Index to determine whether established and younger CRM companies practice what they preach

Amsterdam, the Netherlands


Most CRM companies like to call themselves social. But when it comes down to it, are they as social as they claim to be? Grasp, simple customer support software for web shops and other small businesses, finds out. Its new infographic illustrates that legacy CRM companies (SAP, Oracle, eGain) are 100x less social than ‘social’ CRM providers (Freshdesk, Grasp, Zendesk).

Customer relationship management (CRM) is no longer just about dealing with data or information. In the age of Facebook and Twitter, the human touch is crucial: conversations and connections count more than ever. No wonder, then, that both legacy CRM providers and new kids on the block want us to believe they’re as social as they can possibly be. But are they?

The new Grasp Social Index (CSI) is an objective way to determine how social a company truly is. A company’s CSI is calculated by dividing the number of its fans on Facebook and Twitter through the number of its employees active on LinkedIn. Check out Grasp's latest infographic to discover the CSI of all major CRM companies, plus of various non-CRM brands such as Apple and Google. Hint: the most social company is definitely not Microsoft.

Do size and seniority matter, socially speaking? Grasp’s infographic shows quite the contrary. ‘Social’ CRM providers, however small or new, turn out to be 100x more social than legacy CRM companies – the exception being Salesforce. With a CSI of 29, this so-called ‘social enterprise’ lags far behind.

Grasp itself boasts a respectable CSI of 235. Founder Floris van der Veen: "Being social is more than just marketing speak. It's a company attitude."



Do size and seniority matter, socially speaking? Grasp’s infographic shows quite the contrary. New Social CRM providers, however small or new, turn out to be 100x more social than legacy CRM companies.

Floris van der Veen, founder Grasp

Being social is more than just marketing speak. It's a company attitude.

Floris van der Veen, founder Grasp



About Grasp (previously Casengo)

Make conversations count.

Mensen komen voor je merk, en blijven vanwege je service. Zo simpel is het. Daarom zorgen wij ervoor dat klanten na elk contact je hele organisatie een high five willen geven! Vanuit ons kantoor in hartje Amsterdam werken wij dagelijks met een 13-koppig team aan ons vernieuwde customer conversations platform. Wij zijn Grasp!

Customer conversations platform Grasp haalt je communicatielijntjes uit de knoop en maakt van al je contactmomenten één verhaal. Zo krijg je weer grip op je klantenservice.

Make conversations count.

People come for your brand, and stay for your service. It's as simple as that. That's why we make sure that after every contact, customers want to give your entire organisation a high five! From our office in the heart of Amsterdam, we work with a team of 13 people every day. We are Grasp!

Customer conversations platform Grasp brings together multiple lines of communication and creates one story from all your contact moments. That’s how you regain control of your customer service.
