The 10 hottest plugins for WordPress

Casengo WordPress Study 2014 

Which of the 34,100 WordPress plugins rule the world today? The Casengo WordPress Study 2014 shows that despite the system’s well-known vulnerabilities to attack, four in ten surveyed websites are not protected by security plugins. Most popular are those plugins measuring visitor behaviour and helping users to build traffic through SEO. 

Last week’s statistics show that WordPress, the free and open source blog publishing and content management system, now powers 23.2% of the internet. Casengo surveyed over 330 WordPress users. The study covers 10 hot categories, of which Web Analytics and SEO are by far the most popular. Last on the list are the A/B Testing plugins. On average, 5.6 popular plugins are installed on all surveyed websites.

Not surprisingly, Google Analytics is the biggest favourite amongst WordPress users, followed by WordPress SEO by Yoast. It is remarkable, however, that social sharing beats security: only 60.4% of surveyed users installed a security plugin such as All in One WP Security & Firewall, whereas 65.3% boost social networking with a plugin like Jetpack.

Many WordPress users go out of their way to attract more online visitors, but once there, they are pretty much neglected. To increase conversion, websites could be enriched with a live chat plugin (installed by 12.4% of all surveyed users), and structural A/B testing could be done to learn what resonates with potential customers.

You'll find the pdf file with the entire study attached below. For an overview of the 10 most popular plugins with their relevant links, please see the press release attached. 

“ Many WordPress users go out of their way to attract more online visitors, but once there, they are pretty much neglected.„ Casengo WordPress Study 2014
About Grasp (previously Casengo)

Make conversations count.

Mensen komen voor je merk, en blijven vanwege je service. Zo simpel is het. Daarom zorgen wij ervoor dat klanten na elk contact je hele organisatie een high five willen geven! Vanuit ons kantoor in hartje Amsterdam werken wij dagelijks met een 13-koppig team aan ons vernieuwde customer conversations platform. Wij zijn Grasp!

Customer conversations platform Grasp haalt je communicatielijntjes uit de knoop en maakt van al je contactmomenten één verhaal. Zo krijg je weer grip op je klantenservice.

Make conversations count.

People come for your brand, and stay for your service. It's as simple as that. That's why we make sure that after every contact, customers want to give your entire organisation a high five! From our office in the heart of Amsterdam, we work with a team of 13 people every day. We are Grasp!

Customer conversations platform Grasp brings together multiple lines of communication and creates one story from all your contact moments. That’s how you regain control of your customer service.
